By enrolling and paying your tuition all attendees agree to the following:
I recognize that all Jazz Camp West 2025 attendees, staff, and faculty must follow safety instructions, remain in areas designated by Jazz Camp West staff and volunteers, and refrain from behavior that is harmful to themself or to others. Recognizing that Jazz Camp West will do its best to ensure a safe experience, I understand that certain dangers, accidents, or illnesses may occur.
I hereby release Living Jazz, Inc., Jazz Camp West, as well as its directors, officers, staff, and volunteers from any and all responsibility and liability of any nature, including claims of injury, illness, death, loss, or damage resulting from the camper’s participation in Jazz Camp West.
I hereby acknowledge and agree that should I need to leave camp early for any reason including but not limited to illness, personal emergencies, injury, or personal choice that I am not eligible for a refund from Living Jazz for Jazz Camp West 2025.
I also acknowledge that any damage that campers may cause to other persons or to property, regardless of the nature of the damage or claims, and to indemnify and hold Living Jazz harmless from any costs, damage or injury to any person or property arising from or related to camper’s participation in Jazz Camp West.