Jam Camp West

A 7-day music, dance and vocal program for 10-17 year olds of all skill levels and backgrounds held in the stunning redwoods of Loma Mar, No. Ca.


Jam Camp 2025 Enrollment

Enrollment is now open - July 12-18, 2025

Jam Camp West 2025 Main Registration

Jam Camp West 2025 Main Registration

Jam Camp 2025 Header Picture

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Camper Information

Camper Demographics
Jam Camp works hard make itself accessible to a diverse range of populations. Donors and foundations typically ask for this information to be included in any fundraising appeal that we submit. We will keep this information anonymous.


Instrument & Discipline Information

Parent/Guardian Information

Primary Point of Contact

Additional Parent/Guardian Information

Secondary Point of Contact

Scholarship Request
Living Jazz has a commitment to keep our programs as accessible as possible and we provide financial aid to approx. 25% of our camper population. Financial aid is based on need, not skill or experience. Because we are unable to provide financial aid to all those that apply, please review your situation before completing a scholarship application.

In most cases, scholarships help with camp tuition but not the cost of room and board.  Please keep this in mind when projecting what you estimate you can pay.  Most awards range between $500-$800 depending on each individuals situation. 

Deadline to apply is 05/31/2025     

Marketing/Friend Information

Spread the word about Jam Camp West to your friends/family. Enter their email address and they will get an email with 2025 Jam Camp Dates.
Email 1
Email 2
Email 3
Email 4
Terms & Conditions

Tuition Discounts

Early Bird $50 Discount: Must pay balance in full by April 30, 2025.

Cancellation Policy

All cancellations must be submitted in writing. 

All enrollments include a non-refundable deposit fee of $100.

Cancellations after July 10, 2025 (7 days prior to the start of camp), will receive a 50% refund of the enrollment fee.


There will be no refunds for “no shows”.

All sales are taken on a first-come, first-served basis.

COVID-19 Policy

Living Jazz is committed to the health and safety of its intergenerational community, which includes children, seniors, and immunocompromised individuals. We will adhere to the latest guidelines from the CDC and the American Camp Association regarding COVID-19 and reserve the right to adjust our policies accordingly.  


By enrolling and paying your tuition all attendees agree to the following:

I recognize that all Jam Camp West 2025 attendees, staff, and faculty must follow safety instructions, remain in areas designated by Jam Camp West staff and volunteers, and refrain from behavior that is harmful to themself or to others. Recognizing that Jam Camp West will do its best to ensure a safe experience, I understand that certain dangers, accidents, or illnesses may occur.

I hereby release Living Jazz, Inc., Jam Camp West, as well as its directors, officers, staff, and volunteers from any and all responsibility and liability of any nature, including claims of injury, illness, death, loss, or damage resulting from the camper’s participation in Jam Camp.

I hereby acknowledge and agree that should I need to leave camp early for any reason including but not limited to illness, personal emergencies, injury, or personal choice that I am not eligible for a refund from Living Jazz for Jam Camp West 2025.

I also acknowledge that any damage that campers may cause to other persons or to property, regardless of the nature of the damage or claims, and to indemnify and hold Living Jazz harmless from any costs, damage or injury to any person or property arising from or related to camper’s participation in Jam Camp West.

Payment Options

Payment Details
A 3% processing fee will be added to your total payment to cover the costs of transaction charges. This fee helps us ensure that more of your contribution goes directly toward supporting our programs and services.


Important Information

  • What Happens If A Camper Gets COVID-19 Before Camp: In the event that a camper contracts COVID-19 right before the start of camp and provides proof of infection, a full refund will be made minus the $100 deposit.

    In the event a camper had COVID-19 and is no longer contagious, we require a doctor’s confirmation.

  • Living Jazz reserves the right to make changes or cancellations due to the most current CDC and American Camp Association recommendations. Families will be notified as soon as possible if any changes occur.

    We are paying close attention to COVID-19 rates, hospital capacities, American Camp Association and CDC guidelines.

    All Jam Camp West 2023 attendees acknowledge and agree that if anyone needs to leave camp early for any reason including but not limited to illness, personal emergencies, injury, or personal choice that they are not eligible for a refund from Living Jazz for Jam Camp West 2023.

    Thank you for your understanding. Jam Camp West is making every effort to provide a safe camp environment for all.